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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 博雅核心課程-歷史
::: 博雅核心課程-歷史 2學分
課程名稱 博雅核心課程-歷史
英文課程名稱 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:History
中文課程概要 本課程主要是讓學生對歷史這門學科有一通盤、系統的認識,以便讓學生瞭解歷史的思維取向,增加個人的歷史意識。並在歷史學門的領域中,提供數門基礎及進階課程,供同學選修,以期同學從課程的學習中,理解台灣、中國乃至世界文明的進程與發展,剖析歷史學與現實的互動,提昇學生批判思考之能力。
英文課程概要 This course focuses on getting the students familiar with the academic field of history in a more comprehensive and systematic view. The students are stimulated to think and make judgment with a view to "knowing the history," adding to a better sense of history. Further, they are guided to select some courses in the field of history, including the formation and changes of the of Taiwan China and the World-as well as interactions between history and the reality-thus enhancing their critical ability to think and judge.
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