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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 衛星機械系統設計
::: 衛星機械系統設計 3學分
課程名稱 衛星機械系統設計
英文課程名稱 Spacecraft Mechanical System Design
中文課程概要 本課程介紹人造衛星機械工程系統的基本概念與設計原理,並涵蓋設計、分析及驗證衛星結構與機構系統、衛星熱控系統、衛星推進系統,同時亦介紹與如何運用常用的太空材料,目的是培養學生具備衛星機械系統的理論知識與實務應用能力。
英文課程概要 The course introduces the basic concepts and principles of satellite mechanical engineering systems, and covers the design, analysis, and verification of satellite structure and mechanism systems, satellite thermal control systems, and satellite propulsion systems. This course also introduces common space materials and their practical applications. The purpose of this course is to help students acquire the theory and practice of satellite mechanical systems.
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