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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 科技法律
::: 科技法律 2學分
課程名稱 科技法律
英文課程名稱 Technology Laws
中文課程概要 本課程是設計給大學及研究所的理、工科學生作為研習科技法律的入門課程,內容大體上包括有專利法簡介、商標法簡介、著作權法簡介、營業秘密法簡介、網域名稱簡介、個案討論等等。在二十一世紀知識爆炸的時代中,技術創新已然成為企業競爭力不能忽視得一環,成功的企業無不就其開發出來的技術想盡辦法佈施層層法律保護網,於是,如何分析解讀競爭對手的法律保護網,如何研發出完全相容又具競爭性的產品,是現代研發單位不能不面對的一項課題,所牽涉到的層面多與科技法律相關。
英文課程概要 The course is designed as a preliminary technology law study for college and graduate school students majoring in science and engineering . It is focused on issues related to: An introduction to Patent Law, An Introduction to Trademark Law, An introduction Copyright Law, An Introduction to Trade Secret Law, An Introduction to Domain Name and Case Discussions,etc. In the 21st century characterized by the information explosion, technological innovation has been widely recognized as being a vital factor to the competitiveness of business. Successful companies have always tried their best to implement broad-reaching legal protection of their innovated technologies.Consequently, it appears to be essential for every R&D unit to know how to analyze the legal protection fo the competitors\' products and how to develop a fully compatible and competitive product.
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