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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 博雅核心課程-美學
::: 博雅核心課程-美學 2學分
課程名稱 博雅核心課程-美學
英文課程名稱 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Aesthetics and Arts
中文課程概要 本課程旨在提昇學生的藝術涵養。透過生活美學、藝術概論與音樂概論等相關課程,引導學生探索如何從認識藝術到應用於生活。從探索視覺藝術與音樂發展的整體性,到建構欣賞和審美意涵之基礎,期望能廣泛的從「生活」中食、衣、住、行、育、樂所體現美的內容及活動,重構生活藝術化與藝術生活化的美學視野。
英文課程概要 The main purpose of this course is to enrich the artistic conservation of our students. Though the related course, such as Aesthetics of living, Introduction to Art Theories and Introduction to Music, which guild students to explore art into their daily life. The Exploration of the development of visual art and music is adopted to give students a comprehensive and general understanding on arts in order to foster students to appreciate and apply it into lifestyles and social environment.
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