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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 核磁共振攝影之量化技術
::: 核磁共振攝影之量化技術 1學分
課程名稱 核磁共振攝影之量化技術
英文課程名稱 Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques
中文課程概要 核磁共振攝影為一種革命性的醫學診斷工具,被大量用於人體內部結構的成像。由於此一優勢,因此往往被用來診斷癌症與其他病變,然而現行的醫學診斷多以醫師的主觀判定為準,因此如何將核磁共振攝影,利用現行影像分析的技術進行量化,並提供醫師做客觀的判斷基準,逐漸成為目前此一領域重要的議題之一。 本課程將對相關的量化技術做一個介紹,內容包含如下: (1) 核磁共振影像分類 (2) 藉由混合機率來做預估 (3) 混合模型之分析 (4) 核磁共振影像頻譜之分解 (5) 非監督式頻譜之分解
英文課程概要 Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a revolutionary medical diagnosis tool, which has been largely used for imaging of the internal structure of human body. This technology has been widely adopted to detect cancer and other diseases. However, the current diagnosis was usually based on subjective determination of doctors. It is important to provide quantitative analysis of MRI image by taking advantage of current image processing techniques. In order to discuss this important topic, this course is aimed to cover the basis as follows (1) Image Classification (2) Mixing Probability Density-Based Estimation (3) Mixture Model-based Analysis (4) Spectral Unmixing (5) Unsupervised Spectral Unmixing
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