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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 儲能技術
::: 儲能技術 3學分
課程名稱 儲能技術
英文課程名稱 Energy Storage Technology
中文課程概要 本課程將介紹化學儲能裝置和儲冷系統之基礎與實務。課程內容包括: ﹝一﹞儲能裝置理論與技術:電池儲能系統與模組、轉換器,各式燃料電池,如燐酸電池,質子交換電池等。 ﹝二﹞儲冷系統理論與技術:儲冰水式系統,各式儲冰系統如全凍結式、冰盤管式、冰泥式、動態製冰式、優態鹽及冰球式等,介紹其熱傳與設計原理和實務技術,並將教授先進相變儲冷介質。
英文課程概要 This course including two parts: electrochemical energy storage/ conversion theory and technology, and thermal storage system fundamentals and design guide. The topics are. (A)Energy storage devices-theory and technology: Electric cell energy conversion system and module, transformer and fuel cells such as phosphatic cell and proton-exchanging diaphram cell etc. (B)Themal storage systems-theory and design chilled water system and ice storage systems such as total freeze-up, ice-on-coil, ice slurry, dynamic ice builder, eutectic salt and ice ball systems. The heat transfer and design theory including operation technology will also be covered. The advanced PCM for thermal storage will be investigated as a hint to the students.
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