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Home > People > Faculty > Bih-Yuan Ku > Publication ::: Background | Teaching Timetable | Publication
::: Bih-Yuan Ku
Journal Papers
1. "儲能系統在鐵道供電系統線電壓波動改善的應用", 電機技師雙月刊, 34-42, ELSE1, 2021/12/01
2. "軌道牽引電力系統雜散電流檢測及防制", 中興工程, 105-113, ELSE1, 2021/10/01
3. "Modelling and Numerical Solution of Ungrounded dc Rail Traction System Load Flow Using Ladder Circuit – Part I: Circuit Modeling", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 1-10, SCI, 2020/01/01
4. "Modelling and Numerical Solution of Ungrounded dc Rail Traction System Load Flow Using Ladder Circuit – Part II : Solution Method", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 11-20, SCI, 2020/01/01
5. "由國內案例探討捷運直流牽引電力系統接地的觀念演進", 電機技師雙月刊, 86-91, ELSE1, 2019/08/01
6. "捷運線營運後負電軌對地電阻量測方法研究", 捷運技術, 92-111, ELSE1, 2018/10/01
7. "Rail-to-Earth Resistance Assessment a Medium Capacity Transit System with Continuous Negative Rails by Potential Measurement", IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 29-35, SCI&EI, 2016/12/01
8. "Converter Switching Surges - Railroad Vehicle Power Converter Impact Studies", IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 57-66, EI, 2012/09/01
9. "捷運直流軌道牽引供電系統模擬", 中興工程季刊, 106-110, ELSE1, 2012/07/01
10. "Grade Crossing Safety Using Real-Time Video and Numerical Warning Systems", IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 75-81, EI, 2010/09/01
11. "無人水面載具測深技術之實用化", 海洋及水下科技季刊, ELSE1, 2006/12/01
12. "Renovation of Medium Capacity Transit System Traction Electronics at Taipei Rapid Transit System", IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 25-31, ELSE2, 2006/12/01
13. "台鐵推拉式列車之牽引電力特性曲線之建立", 台鐵資料季刊, 1-17, ELSE1, 2006/09/01
14. "雙向同步多通道傳輸技術於無人水面載具測深作業之應用", 海洋及水下科技季刊, 51-58, ELSE1, 2005/06/01
15. "無人水面載具側深作業儀器之選用與數據整合", 海洋技術季刊, 31-40, ELSE1, 2004/04/01
Conference Papers
1. "鋼軌捷運主線與機廠邊界鋼軌電位差異及IRJ電弧議題之回顧", 第17屆台灣電力電子研討會暨第41屆中華民國電力工程研討會, 台北市, 2020/09/03
2. "捷運牽引系統接地方式對電力潮流的影響", 中華民國第四十屆電力工程研討會, 高雄市, 2019/09/05
3. "無架空線捷運牽引電力系統的軌道電位分析", 中華民國第四十屆電力工程研討會, 高雄市, 2019/09/05
4. "考慮班距漂移的非連續供電軌道電力負載參差分析", 中華民國第三十九屆電力工程研討會, 台北市, 2018/12/15
5. "Evaluation of Substation Capacity using Headway Shift and Perturbation Parameters", 2018 Joint Rail Conference, Pittsburgh, 2018/04/18
6. "非接地捷運系統的雜散電流計算等效電路", 中華民國第三十八屆電力工程研討會, 嘉義縣, 2017/12/01
7. "Assessment of pantograph loss-of-contact arc transients – a follow-up", 2017 Joint Rail Conference, Philadelphia, 2017/04/04
8. "台北捷運文湖線營運後負電軌對地電阻量測", 中華民國第三十七屆電力工程研討會, 台中市, 2016/12/10
9. "Rail-to-Earth Resistance Assessment for a Medium Capacity Transit System with Continuous Negative Rails by Potential Measurement", 2016 Joint Rail Conference, Columbia, South Carolina, 2016/04/13
10. "Load Power Quality Characteristics of Trains with Switch-Type Converters and the Impact to AC Electrified Traction Power Systems", 2014 Joint Rail Conference, Colorado Springs, 2014/04/02
11. "台鐵東幹線電氣化牽引變電站諧波濾波器之探討", 中華民國第三十四屆電力工程研討會, 台中市, 2013/12/06
12. "Quantitative measurement of pantograph loss-of-contact dynamics", 2013 Joint Rail Conference, Knoxville, 2013/04/15
13. "Train Power Converter Switching Surge Impact Studies", 2012 Joint Rail Conference, 費城 Philadelphia, 2012/04/17
14. "台鐵700型電聯車切換暫態電壓分析", 中華民國第三十二屆電力工程研討會, 新北市, 2011/12/02
15. "遠距即時影像應用於平交道安全防護之增強", 第三十一屆電力工程研討會, 台南市, 2010/12/02
16. "Augmentation of Level Crossing Safety using Real-time Video and Numerical Warning System", 2010 Joint Rail Conference, Urbana, Illinois, 2010/04/27
17. "AC electrified rail train converter switching overvoltage transients study", 2009 Joint Rail Conference, Pueblo, Colorado, 2009/03/03
18. "交流鐵路集電弓與電車線接觸暫態之量化量測", 中華民國第二十九屆電力工程研討會, 台南, 2008/12/05
19. "無人水面載具電動推進系統", 2008遙控系統技術應用研討會, 桃園, 2008/12/05
20. "交流主線鐵路列車集電弓與軟硬式電車線之接觸電流暫態", 中華民國第二十八屆電力工程研討會, 高雄, 2007/12/07
21. "無人水面載具在水域測深偵察之應用", 2007 遙控系統技術應用研討會論文集, 桃園龍潭, 2007/12/07
22. "台鐵推拉式列車動態電力特性曲線之建立", 中華民國第二十七屆電力工程研討會, 新竹, 2006/12/22
23. "遙控無人水面載具在水域測深之應用", 2006 遙控系統技術應用研討會論文集, 桃園龍潭, 2006/12/19
24. "Renovation of Medium Capacity Transit System Traction Electronics at Taipei Rapid Transit System", 2005 ASME/IEEE Joint Railroad Conference, Pueblo, Colorado, 2005/03/16
25. "Computation and validation of rail-to-earth potential for diode-grounded DC traction system at Taipei rapid transit system", 2004 ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 2004/04/06
26. "Simulation and Emulation of Rapid Transit DC Short Circuit Current", 2003 ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 2003/04/22
27. "Solution of DC Power Flow for Non-Grounded Traction Systems Using Chain-Rule Reduction of Ladder Circuit Jacobian Matrices", 2002 ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference, Washington, D.C., 2002/04/23
Other Publications
1. 榮任IEEE VTS Vice President @Land Transportation,連任IEEE VTS @Board of Governors/elected voting member;獲任IEEE Transportation Technologies Award Committee Member
2. 2005 Joint Rail Conference Best Technical Papers Award First Place
3. IEEE Senior Member
4. 國立台北科技大學電資學院教師服務優良獎
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