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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 微積分及演練
::: 微積分及演練 6學分
課程名稱 微積分及演練
英文課程名稱 Calculus
中文課程概要 本課程希望在一學年中,能使學生對微分及積分有充分的瞭解、培養邏輯推理、啟發思考創造、強化計算演繹並注重應用與作圖,以建立同學未來學習工程數學及相關專業課程之數學基礎,充分達到學以致用的目的。課程內容包括:1.極限與連續,2.導數及其應用,3.不定積分與定積分,4.超越函數及其反函數,5.積分法則,6.不定型與瑕積分,7.定積分的應用,8.空間幾何與向量微積分,9.偏導數,10.重積分,11.級數,12.常微分方程。
英文課程概要 This course aims at developing comprehension of Derivation and Integral、activating capabilities of Logic Inference and Induction、enlightening confidence and independence、strengthening calculating abilities with an emphasis on its application and diagram、furnishing a sound basis for future specialty. The content includes : 1.Limits and Continuity, 2.Derivative and Application, 3.Indefinite and Definite Integral, 4.Transcendental Functions and their Inverses, 5.Techniques of Integration, 6.Indeterminate Forms and Improper Integral, 7.Application of Integration, 8.Basic Vector Analysis, 9.Partial Derivative, 10.Multiple Integration, 11.Infinite Series, 12.Ordinary Differential Equation.
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