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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 英文閱讀與聽講練習
::: 英文閱讀與聽講練習 4學分
課程名稱 英文閱讀與聽講練習
英文課程名稱 English in Practice
中文課程概要 課程重點:(1)藉由適合其程度的教材加強學生必備的基礎文法觀念和句型結構;(2)使學生確切把握閱讀要領以及充分瞭解寫作的各種技巧,重心在生字、片語、句法的解釋和基本寫作技巧的分析;(3)熟悉英語人士日常生活情境及與學生將來就業環境相關之會話及適當之應對方式;(4)透過練習加強聽、說、讀、寫的知能及表達。
英文課程概要 This course is designed (1) to strengthen students\' previously required knowledge in English with basic grammatical ideas and sentence patterns reviewed through reading materials appropriate to their levels; (2) to develop reading skill by giving explanation of difficult words, phrases, and syntax, as well as analysis of basic writing skill; (3)to familiarize students with useful expressions in conversation and build up their confidence in cross-cultural communication; (4)to reinforce the competence and performance of listening, speaking, reading and writing by practice.
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