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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 電儀表學
::: 電儀表學 3學分
課程名稱 電儀表學
英文課程名稱 Electronic Instrumentation
中文課程概要 測量之標準;單位及誤差;交、直流指示儀表;電功率、相 位(功因);能量之測量;RLC 元件測量;特殊電儀表;電 子測量儀表及訊號產生器;記錄及遙測儀表;感測與轉換器 ;放射線之測量代表;IEEE-488界面。
英文課程概要 Course Title:Electrical Instruments Description:This course provides a good groundwork for the basis of electrical measurement and then presents examples ranging from elementary measurements to the most sophisticated computer-controlled systems. this course also presents a thorough treatment of the principles that govern the operation and behavior of the principles that govern the operation and behavior of electrical, electronics, chemical test instrument and provides practical, information on the use and limitations of instruments in typical measurement applications.
10608台北市忠孝東路三段1號 電話:(02)27712171 #2100 傳真:(02)27317187
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