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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 電子學實習
::: 電子學實習 2學分
課程名稱 電子學實習
英文課程名稱 Electronics Lab.
中文課程概要 基本儀器介紹;電子零件之認識;二極體電路(特性);運算放大器;電晶體電路(特性);A/D ,D/A 轉換器;類比乘法器。運算放大器應用;線性電壓調整器;電壓參考及電流源;電壓比較器;電壓控制振盪器;鎖相迴路;頻率-電壓轉換器;類比-數位轉換器;數位-類比轉換器;特殊裝置語言合成電路。
英文課程概要 Course Title:Electronics and Electronics Lab. Description:The properties of semiconductor and fabrication of a PN diode and BJT, and their characteristics are explained. Part 2 concentrates on analog circuit and system. Method of biasing a discrete BJT or EET are given, and stability of the operating point is discussed. The small-signal model for each device is abstained and used to calculate the performance of low frequency single stage and cascaded amplifiers. The feedback concepts of AMP. OP AMP, its characteristics and applications are described.
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