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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 就業達人講座-卓越校友職場聖經
::: 就業達人講座-卓越校友職場聖經 1學分
課程名稱 就業達人講座-卓越校友職場聖經
英文課程名稱 Employment Lecture
中文課程概要 適逢建校百週年,本課程邀請卓越校友回母校與同學交流,以最貼近學生觀點之角度切入議題,協助學生在面臨就業之際能事前做好身心靈準備。 本學期蒞校之卓越校友分別來自六個學院不同領域,除了帶來最新產業趨勢及業界人才需求等資訊,更以學長姐身份分享多年職場經驗及成功策略,並指導同學如何運用北科大之資源為自己加值,傳承為北科大量身訂做的就業聖經,以強化學生職場力與人生定位之觀念,進而提升本校學生之就業戰力。
英文課程概要 "This course invites a number of outstanding alumni, including six different collage fields, to share their experiences about employment issues from students’ viewpoint and to inspire them for the coming challenges. These alumni will address the newest industrial trend and information about the required manpower; moreover, by establishing these professional information and successful job strategies, students can strengthen the abilities of knowing when to act and what action to take in companies. Gradually, they are willing, with enthusiastic minds, to make efforts on their job. Therefore, these alumni experiences will benefit students on their competition towards the future."
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