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:::首頁 > 公告事項 > 一般公告 > 公告3446內容
::: What is Wiley Researcher Academy?
公告期限:2019/02/24至2019/02/27 公告人員:周仁祥

Dear students


Would you like to have paper in high impact factor journal?


The Wiley Researcher Academy is a modular self-paced, learning program for researchers who wish to develop their expertise and understanding of the scientific publishing process, or are seeking to update and perfect their skills.

•   50+ hours of self-paced, digital learning to equip researchers for success in journal publishing.

•   Interactive learning formats to keep learners interested and motivated.

•   Collaborative learning community to facilitate networking and knowledge sharing.

•   Flexibility to align curriculum with national issues and resources.

•   Certification available to learners on program completion.

If you are interested in this course, please access the following link for more details or join the free training course.


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