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:::首頁 > 公告事項 > 一般公告 > 公告3462內容
::: Room 216B of Integrated Technology Complex is reserved as the studying classroom for EE students to prepare their midterm examination. The reserved date is from Apr. 8th until Apr. 19th, 9am. No food or chatting is allowed.
公告期限:2019/04/08至2019/06/08 公告人員:洪家龍

Room 216B of Integrated Technology Complex is reserved as the studying classroom for EE students to prepare their midterm examination. The reserved date is from Apr. 8th until Apr. 19th, 9am. No food or chatting is allowed.

10608台北市忠孝東路三段1號 電話:(02)27712171 #2100 傳真:(02)27317187
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since May 26, 2003.