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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 通識課程
::: 通識課程 6學分
課程名稱 通識課程
英文課程名稱 Liberal Education
中文課程概要 提供本校四技學生在本行以外,對其他領域的認識,以彌補其只鑽研專業課程的偏頗,訓練學生整合知識,使不致在知識爆炸的時代中迷失,促進各種專材的溝通,培養共識;培育人文素養,啟發人文關懷,使具有完整的人生觀。
英文課程概要 This course offers a good opportunity for four-year college students in this university to have an easier access to a completely different field of knowledge, in the hope that students can add their individual professional knowledge and broaden their minds. The students will be furnished with integrated knowledge, discovering a better way towards professional communication, developing more common sense and never losing themselves in this information-explosive age. With a solid basis on humanity and liberal ideology, they are sure to find a more complete picture of human life.
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