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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 接地系統電磁理論
::: 接地系統電磁理論 3學分
課程名稱 接地系統電磁理論
英文課程名稱 Electromagnetic Theory of Grounding System
中文課程概要 本課程是針對接地系統的電磁理論加以探討,將分析接地系統在電流注入下的電磁特性, 範圍包括分析接地系統導體及地表面之電磁場、電位及電流之分佈,同時探討其暫態及穩態的行為,藉此評估對人員及其他各種系統與設備的影響。此外,將更進一步探討工程實務的議題包括步間電壓、接觸電壓、地電位湧昇(GPR)、接地阻抗及電磁干擾/電磁相容(EMI/EMC)等議題,找出相對於這些議題的接地系統之重要影響參數並加以計算。最後本課程將以接地系統電磁特性分析結果及其影響為基礎,導引出接地系統的規劃設計法則。
英文課程概要 This course is aimed to the electromagnetic theory of grounding system, where the electromagnetic characteristics of grounding system under the current injection are analyzed. The scope includes to analyze the electromagnetic fields, potential and current distributed on the grounding conductors and ground surface of grounding system , and to survey transient and steady state behaviors of grounding system, in which their affections on personnel, various systems and apparatus will be assessed. Furthermore, the important issues about the practical engineering aspects including step-voltage, touch-voltage, ground-potential-rise (GPR), ground impedance and EMI/EMC issues will be discussed. The critical affection parameters of grounding system with respect to these issues will be found and calculated .Finally, based on the analysis results of he electromagnetic characteristics and their affections of grounding system, the methodology for planning and designing a grounding system is derived.
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