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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 雲端運算
::: 雲端運算 3學分
課程名稱 雲端運算
英文課程名稱 Cloud Computing
中文課程概要 以並行計算架構和分散式系統的開始,探討當代的雲端運算基礎設施,它們是如何部署在亞馬遜、谷歌和蘋果等公司,以及雲端運算應用的領域,如醫療保健、銀行和科學。也探討如何成功地使用虛擬化、資源管理和適量的網絡支持,包括內容分發網絡和存儲區域網絡,以在企業用戶部署雲端運算的應用
英文課程概要 Beginning with a discussion of parallel computing and architectures and distributed systems, the course turns to contemporary cloud infrastructures, how they are being deployed at leading companies such as Amazon, Google and Apple, and how they can be applied in fields such as healthcare, banking and science. The course also examines how to successfully deploy a cloud application across the enterprise using virtualization, resource management and the right amount of networking support, including content delivery networks and storage area networks.
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