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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 全民國防教育軍事訓練(一)
::: 全民國防教育軍事訓練(一) 0學分
課程名稱 全民國防教育軍事訓練(一)
英文課程名稱 All-Out Defense Education Military Training(I)
中文課程概要 「全民國防教育法」自民國95年2月開始施行,以國際情勢、國防政策、全民國防、防衛動員、國防科技五大主軸作為大學全民國防教育的課程規畫。 其中並包含全民國防教育軍事訓練課程。 「防衛動員」單元,在探討全民防衛動員的意義與功能,說明全民防衛動員對國家安全的重要性;並介紹青年服勤動員內涵,讓學生體會自己在全民防衛動員體系中所扮演的角色,進而涵養愛國意識,深化全民國防共識。軍事訓練課目:災害防救知能與技能、災害防救、災防整備及防衛動員模擬演練、戰場急救與自救、中暑防制及心肺復甦術。
英文課程概要 In order to meet the requirement of Act of All-Out Defense Education put into action in February 2006, the curriculum of All-Out Defense Education Military Training planned by Ministry of Education is divided into five areas: International Situations, National Defense Policies, Civil Defense, Defense Mobilization, and Military Technology. In Defense Mobilization, the object is to let students recognize their roles all-out defense mobilization system, thereby forge their patriotism, and deepen their consensus of all-out defense through exploring the meaning and functions of all-out defense mobilization, explaining the importance of all-out defense mobilization in national security, and introducing the profound meaning of youth entering service required by mobilization. The matched subjects of military training follow as below: Knowledge and Skills of Disaster Prevention and Relief, Disaster Prevention and Relief, Preparedness for Disaster Prevention and Stimulation Practice of Defense.
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