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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 全民國防教育軍事訓練(三)
::: 全民國防教育軍事訓練(三) 0學分
課程名稱 全民國防教育軍事訓練(三)
英文課程名稱 All-Out Defense Education Military Training (III)
中文課程概要 「國防科技」單元,主要使學生了解武器系統概況,並認識國防科技發展與我國國防產業現況,引發對國防科技的興趣,進而認同國防、支持國防。軍事訓練課目:軍事素養─軍兵種介紹、軍事素養─武器系統介紹、軍事素養─資訊作戰、核生化作戰及核生化訓練簡介、愛國教育(莒光園地專題研討)。
英文課程概要 In Defense Technology, the main object is to let students overview the development of weapon systems, and understand the current development of the nation’s defense technology and defense industry, inspiring their interest in defense technology, and further identify and support national defense. The matched subjects of military training follow as below: Military Literacy—Introduction to Services and Arms, Military Literacy—Introduction to Weapon Systems, Military Literacy— Information Operations, Introduction to NBC Warfare and Training, and Patriotic Education (specific topics digested from TV program Chu-kuang Garden).
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