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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 國文
::: 國文 4學分
課程名稱 國文
英文課程名稱 Chinese
中文課程概要 國文,是運用本國語言文字,蘊釀於欣賞文藝作品,充實文化內涵,增進思維能力與人文素養的一門課程。 本課程分為大一上學期2學分,大一下學期2學分。大一上學期的授課內容,以文學名篇為範圍;希望藉此擴建學生深入品味文學趣味的能力,鍛鍊靈活的語文敏感度,默契文學創意,甚而嘗試創作。大一下學期的授課內容,以思想名篇為範圍;希望藉此啟發學生透轍分析各家學說思想,漫步哲人的宇宙天地,跟隨哲人的心路歷程,進而念茲在茲,從容內化,共饗取之不盡用之不竭的先驗與風範。
英文課程概要 "Chinese" is the course where we make full use of our native languages to enjoy literary works, to enrich our cultural taste, to develop our thinking and even to elevate human cultivation. This four-credit course is set for the freshman students: with 2 credits in each of the two semesters of the school year. In the first semester, the course covers important articles in literature, in the hope for the student learners to cultivate better ability to taste literary works when they have more vivid sense on the language. With fuller knowledge on what literature is about, they are expected to try creative writings. For the second semester, the course is mainly focused on the writings on thoughts. It is our expectation that throughout the reading and analysis of various great schools of philosophy, the student learners are given the opportunity to explore the huge minds of philosophers, who will thus be imitated and followed. Through the internalization, the students might benefit themse
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