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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 冷熱傳導介質應用
::: 冷熱傳導介質應用 3學分
課程名稱 冷熱傳導介質應用
英文課程名稱 Application of Heat Transfer Media
中文課程概要 本課程將介紹各種冷凍空調領域相關之熱傳介質,以及其物理和化學性質,進而瞭解各種熱傳介質在工程系統上的實際應用。涵蓋對象包括相關各相關流體,如冷媒、鹵水、氣體等,和元件材料及絕緣材料。針對其熱力上的特性深入說明。如熱傳係數、黏滯度、熱焓、比熱等,並教授各物理性質之推算方式,可靠度等,以彌補文獻上相關熱傳介質之物性化性不足之缺憾,提供工程設計時所需之準確估算,配合各種不同形式之熱交換器設計上之相關問題,將進一步導入有效節能技術,以期建立一系列工程系統設計時熱傳介質之應用及掌握的準則。
英文課程概要 This course introduces some heat transfer media concerning about refrigeration and air-conditioning technology. The chemical and physical properties of these media and their practical applications are also presented. The heat transfer media covered are important fluids such as refrigerants, brine and gases etc, and materials of system compoments and insulations. The estimation methods of their physical properties such as conductivity, viscosity, specific heat, diffusion coefficients are focused and verified to compensate the shortage of known data. The design of different types of heat exchanger are then performed to emphasize the importance of property- estimation.
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