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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 國際觀培養-越南文化與語言Ⅱ
::: 國際觀培養-越南文化與語言Ⅱ 2學分
課程名稱 國際觀培養-越南文化與語言Ⅱ
英文課程名稱 Development of global perspective:Vietnam culture and languageⅡ
中文課程概要 課程以培養基礎越南語溝通能力、激發學習越南語興趣為宗旨。課程架構由發音學習開始,以奠定良好基礎,並以基礎語法與簡單對話為目標,培養學生越南語簡易聽、說、讀、寫能力。另外,結合多元化議題討論,增進其認識越南文化特色及台灣與越南經貿往來之現況,使其具備越南商務基本實力。
英文課程概要 This course aims to provide students with the ability to communicate in Vietnamese and to stimulate students\' interest. The course will start with the teaching of pronunciation and followed by basic grammar and simple conversation. Students are expected to have the ability to speak, listen, read and write. Furthermore, we will be discussing cross-cultural topics in our course. It is hoped that students can be familiar with Vietnamese culture and the current situation of economic and trade exchanges between Vietnam and Taiwan.
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