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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 高電壓工程及絕緣協調
::: 高電壓工程及絕緣協調 3學分
課程名稱 高電壓工程及絕緣協調
英文課程名稱 High Voltage Engineering and Insulation Co-ordinations
中文課程概要 本課程探討高電壓工程及絕緣協調,首先建立高電壓理論基礎,暸解高電壓的電磁特性,並針對電力系統線路、設備及相關設施在高電壓下的暫態及穩態行為加以分析,及探討異常高電壓的產生原因及發生機制,藉由這些分析及探討的結果,進一步導引出重要參數及高壓相關工程之規劃、設計、建造、操作、維護及試驗方法;此外,對於高壓絕緣材料的特性亦加以探討,包括交流耐壓特性、直流耐壓特性 及突波耐壓特性,其中將定義相關重要參數以評估絕緣材料性能之良窳。最後為兼顧有關線路、設備及相關設施運轉於高電壓下的安全性、可靠性及經濟性,其絕緣材料耐壓特性相互之間應達成協調,並與過電壓保護設備的性能達成協調(絕緣協調),本課程對此將詳加剖析探討,以應用於高電壓工程的規劃及設計。
英文課程概要 This course is aimed to the high voltage engineering and insulation co-ordinations. The fundamental of high voltage theory is first erected for realizing the electromagnetic characteristics of high voltage. The behaviors of transient state and steady state of power system\'s equipments and related apparatuses energized by high voltage will be analyzed. The root causes that produce abnormal high voltage will be surveyed. Furthermore, some important parameters and the methods are derived for the planning, design, construction, operation, and test of high voltage engineering. In addition, the characteristics of high voltage insulation materials are investigated , in which, some important parameters will be defined for assessing the performances of insulation material. Finally, the issue of insulation co-ordinations are discussed in detail for application on the planning and design of high voltage engineering.
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