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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 衛星數據壓縮
::: 衛星數據壓縮 1學分
課程名稱 衛星數據壓縮
英文課程名稱 Satellite Data Compression
中文課程概要 隨著遙測技術的不斷發展與進步,遙測數據亦越來越龐大,難以直接傳輸與儲存,且由於遙測資料十分寶貴,蘊含較細緻且豐富的資訊,因此必須對遙測資料進行壓縮,以避影響到遙測資料的資訊。本課程除對衛星圖像和數據壓縮理論、算法和系統實現作一系列介紹之外,也描述各種無損和近無損數據壓縮技術及國際衛星數據壓縮標準。同時也會分享新的衛星數據壓縮技術及應用,內容包含如下: 1. 數據壓縮和圖像品質介紹 2. 衛星數據無損壓縮 3. 國際衛星數據壓縮標準 4. 向量量化(Vector Quantization)數據壓縮 5. 優化衛星數據壓縮實作性能
英文課程概要 This course provides a global review of optical satellite image and data compression theories, algorithms, and system implementations. It describes a variety of lossless and near-lossless data-compression techniques and international satellite data compression standards. Some novel satellite data compression techniques for both onboard and on-ground use, user assessments of the impact that data compression has on satellite data applications, building hardware compression systems, and optimizing and deploying systems are introduced. This course addresses important issues of satellite data compression and implementation, and it presents an end-to-end treatment of data compression technology. This course is aimed to cover the basis as follows: 1. Needs for Data Compression and Image Quality Metrics 2. Lossless Satellite Data Compression 3. International Standards for Spacecraft Data Compression 4. Vector Quantization Data Compression 5. Optimizing the Performance of Onbo
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