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:::首頁 > 系上成員 > 師資陣容 > 宋國明 > 論文著述 ::: 基本資料 | 授課時間 | 論文著述 | 研究計畫
::: 宋國明 老師
1. 宋國明, “醫療儀器技術發展規劃”, National Science Council Monthly, Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 451-459, July 1997.
2. 宋國明, “國科會電力技術推動概況”, Power Electronics Technology, No. 39, pp. 1-15, June 1998.
3. 宋國明, “國科會電機技術推動概況”, Power Electronics Technology, No. 46, pp. 108-126, August 1998.
4. 宋國明, 鄭誠功, “科技幫助人類獲得新生-身心障礙者科技輔具推動概況”, National Science Council Monthly, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 647-652, June 1999.
5. 宋國明, “身心障礙者職業重建輔具展覽暨研討會紀要”, National Science Council Monthly, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 653-660, June 1999.
6. G. M. Sung, S. L. Chen and S. I. Liu, “Interaction of Magnetoresistor and Magnetotransistor in longitudinal and folding magnetosensors”. (Submitting to IEEE Journal) (SCI)
7. G. M. Sung, L. A. Ho and S. I. Liu, “The error correction of transformed rectangle model for Concave and Convex MAGFETs with AC bias”. (Submitting to IEEE Journal) (SCI)
8. G. M. Sung, T. Y. Wang and S. I. Liu, “The error correction of transformed Concave and Convex MAGFETs with DC supply voltage”. (Submitting to IEE Journal) (SCI)
9. S. I. Liu, J. F. Wei and G. M. Sung, ”SPICE macro model of MAGFET and its applications”, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 370-375, 1999. (SCI)
10. G. M. Sung, J. F. Wei and S. I. Liu, 'Three types of 2-D lateral magneto-resistive sensors with P+-implant confinement”, IEE Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst., vol. 147, No. 3, pp. 158-164, June 2000.(SCI)
1. Guo-Ming Sung and Shen-Iuan Liu, “Bulk effect in two-dimensional folding magnetic sensor”, Accepted by ISPMM/ISAMT2001 (International Symposium on Physics of Magnetic Materials/International Symposium on advanced Magnetic Technologies).
2. Guo-Ming Sung and Shen-Iuan Liu, “Frequency response on split-drain MAGFET with AC bias voltage”, Accepted by ISPMM/ISAMT2001 (International Symposium on Physics of Magnetic Materials/International Symposium on advanced Magnetic Technologies).
3. Guo-Ming Sung and Shen-Iuan Liu, “Research on a Two-dimensional Folding Magnetic Sensor basing on the Effect of magnetoresistor and magnetotransistor”, 第八屆化學感測科技研討會, pp.101-104, 2002年5月.
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