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::: 歐勝源 老師
1. Yu-Kang Lo, Huang-Jen Chiu and Sheng-Yuan Ou, "Dual Hysteresis Loops for a High-Performance Four-Switch Boost Rectifier", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1174 –1176, Oct. 2000.
2. Yu-Kang Lo, Huang-Jen Chiu and Sheng-Yuan Ou, "Constant Switching Frequency Control of Switch-Mode Rectifiers without Current Sensors", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1172 –1174, Oct. 2000.
3. 歐勝源、羅有綱、邱煌仁,「半橋式升壓型整流器雙輸出電容之間電壓不平衡之分析與補償」,電機月刊,第127期,pp. 208-211,2001。
4. Yu-Kang Lo, Sheng-Yuan Ou and Huang-Jen Chiu, "Coupling Analysis of a Three-Phase Power Factor Corrector Composed of Three Single-Phase Modules", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1285 -1288, Dec. 2001.
5. Yu-Kang Lo, Sheng-Yuan Ou and Huang-Jen Chiu, "On Evaluating the Current Distortion of the Single-Phase Switch-Mode Rectifiers with Current Slope Maps", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1128 - 1137, Oct. 2002.
6. Yu-Kang Lo, Jing-Yuan Lin and Sheng-Yuan Ou "Switching-Frequency Control for Regulated Discontinuous Conduction Mode Boost Rectifiers", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 760 -768, Apr. 2007.
1. Yu-Kang Lo, Huang-Jen Chiu, and Sheng-Yuan Ou, "Criteria for setting the reference DC voltage of an active power line conditioner", Proceedings of 9th International Conference on IEEE Harmonics and Quality of Power, vol 2, pp. 658 –660, 2000.
2. Yu-Kang Lo, Huang-Jen Chiu, and Sheng-Yuan Ou, "A Novel Shunt Active Current Shaping Scheme for Multiple Paralleled DC-DC Converters", The 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2000, vol. 4, pp. 2635-2640, Oct. 2000.
3. Yu-Kang Lo, Huang-Jen Chiu, and Sheng-Yuan Ou, "Dual Hysteresis Loops for a High-Performance Four-Switch Boost Rectifier,” The 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2000, vol. 4, pp. 2626 –2628, Oct. 2000.
4. Yu-Kang Lo, Sheng-Yuan Ou and ,Tzu-Herng Song, “Large Signal Analysis Using Discrete Waveform Modeling for Discontinuous Conduction Mode Boost Rectifiers,” Proceedings of the IEEE 2001 International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, PEDS’01, pp. 166-168, Sept. 2001.
5. Yu-Kang Lo, Sheng-Yuan Ou and ,Tzu-Herng Song, “Varying Duty Cycle Control for Discontinuous Conduction Mode Boost Rectifiers,” Proceedings of the IEEE 2001 International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, PEDS’01, pp. 149-151, Sept. 2001.
6. Yu-Kang Lo, Sheng-Yuan Ou and Shang-Chin Yen, “The Analysis and Elimination of Voltage Imbalance between the Split Capacitors in Half-Bridge Boost Rectifiers,” Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE’02, pp.728-730, July 2002 L'Aquila, Italy.
7. Yu-Kang Lo, Sheng-Yuan Ou and Shang-Chin Yen, “Switching-Frequency Control for Regulated Discontinuous Conduction Mode Boost Rectifiers,” Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE’02, pp.1031-1035, July 2002.
8. Yu-Kang Lo, Sheng-Yuan Ou and Shang-Chin Yen, “Adaptive DC Voltage Control of an Active Power Line Conditioner,” The 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2002, pp.776-779, Nov. 2002 Nov. 5-8, Sevilla, Spain.
9. Sheng-Yuan Ou, Shang-Chin Yen and Yu-Kang Lo, “Input Current Harmonics Analysis and Filter Capacitor Design for Discontinuous Conduction Mode Boost Rectifiers,” Proceeding of the IEEE 2003 International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, PEDS’03.
10. Sheng-Yuan Ou, and Shang-Chin Yen, “Solution Set Analysis and Control Condition of Varying Duty Cycle Control for Discontinuous Conduction Mode Boost Rectifiers,” Proceedings of the 8th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI 2004 Orlando, USA, in July 18-21, 2004.
11. 吳廷原、歐勝源、羅有綱,「太陽光電能之並聯供電與功率因數修正整合技術研究」,第三屆電力電子研討會,第127期,pp. 208-211,2004。(最佳論文獎)
12. Sheng-Yuan Ou, Ho-Pu Hsiao and Yi-Fong Ke, "Analysis and Design of a Half-Bridge Single-Stage Power converter," The 6th International Mini-Workshop on Power Electronics and Motion Control, NTUT, Taiwan, 25-26 January, 2008.
1. 歐勝源、柯懿峰,”適用於單級電力轉換器之穩壓變頻控制方法及其裝置”,2008年01月03日申請中華民國專利,申請書案號為0971000179。
2. 歐勝源、蕭賀璞,”半橋式單級電力轉換器”,2007年11月23日申請中華民國專利,申請書案號為096144401。
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