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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 國文
::: 國文 2學分
課程名稱 國文
英文課程名稱 Chinese
中文課程概要 本校科技大學的國文課程,以能力及素養之培植為導向, 並以精深致用為授課標的,方能不負大學國文課程之名, 並符合本校重視實務應用的優良傳統。 依授課教師之取擇,課程可概分為兩大類。 一、文學類:著重在文學品味力、語文敏感力、文學創意力與實作創造力等能力的深化。 二、思想類:著重在批判思辨力、邏輯推演力、決斷力、組織整合力、論述力與品格實踐力等能力的提升。 期盼藉由這兩大方面的磨礪,為學「生」未來的「生」存、「生」活與「生」命,開展出璀璨的「三生」有幸。
英文課程概要 The Chinese language curriculum of the University of Science and Technology of this university is oriented to the cultivation of ability and literacy, and is taught with intensive application. Only then can it live up to the name of the university\'s Chinese language curriculum and conform to the school\'s fine tradition of emphasizing practical application. Depending on the choice of the instructor, the courses can be divided into two categories. 1. Literature: Focus on the deepening of literary taste, language sensitivity, literary creativity and practical creativity. 2. Thinking category: Focus on the improvement of critical thinking ability, logical deduction ability, decision ability, organizational integration ability, discussion ability and character practice ability. It is hoped that through the cultivation and training of these two aspects, we will develop a brilliant three lives for the future survival, life and life of students.
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