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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 博雅核心課程-哲學
::: 博雅核心課程-哲學 2學分
課程名稱 博雅核心課程-哲學
英文課程名稱 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Philosophy
中文課程概要 哲學既是一門兼具理想性與現實性的基礎學科,又是一種既有趣又深刻的一種思想活動。 它所探討的目標都是和人類自身與他們所生活的周遭世界密切相關的一些基本問題;這些基本問題至少包括:宇宙、知識、公平正義、道德、宗教、語言、心靈、社會、教育、愛情,和生與死。 從事哲學思考,就是對上述問題,進行一種反省。 這種反省,能夠讓我們明白形成這些問題背後的一些基本原則,以及解決這些問題的一些可能方案的理由根據和獲致這些解決方案的應有程序。 由於哲學是著重思考與反省的活動,學習哲學其實不僅僅可以幫助我們掌握和人類自身與生活世界相關問題的一些根本知識,更能培養一個負責任的社會公民不可或缺的一種思維能力和反省態度。
英文課程概要 Philosophy is not only a fundamental subject with both ideals and practical value, but also an interesting thinking activity of depth. The topics it discusses concern some basic questions for we human beings and the world around us. These basic questions at least include: the universe, knowledge, equality and justice, morality, religion, language, mind, society, education, love, and life and death. Thinking things philosophically is to reflect upon these basic questions. The reflection of this sort leads us to understand not only the basic principles behind these questions, also the reasons and procedures of the possible solutions to these questions. Given philosophy is such an activity based on thinking and reflection, learning philosophy hence can help us grasp the required knowledge concerning ourselves and our living world, and more importantly, prepare a thinking ability and reflecting attitude that are needed for us to succeed in becoming responsible social citizen.
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