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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 就業達人講座-創造力提升就業力
::: 就業達人講座-創造力提升就業力 1學分
課程名稱 就業達人講座-創造力提升就業力
英文課程名稱 Lecture: Employment Enhancement
中文課程概要 畢業後如何挑選工作及通過面試是學生須要面對的重大挑戰,但有許多畢業生因未做好職涯規畫,於面試時未能充分展露自己的優勢,因而喪失不少寶貴的工作機會。畢業生除須面對國內的競爭者,還須面對全球各地人才的激烈競爭。根據調查,是否擁有「傑出的專業能力」、「優良的溝通表達能力」、以及「良好的面試臨場反應」,將是能否獲得工作機會的重要關鍵。有鑑於此,為協助學生提早瞭解職場生態,進而強化其就業競爭力,此課程將廣邀業界高階主管與經理人,就職涯規畫、人才條件、面試重點、工作倫理、以及企業管理經驗等課題進行一系列的分享及互動討論。
英文課程概要 Choosing a job that fits one\'s ambition is a challenge for most graduates. Unfortunately, many graduates may easily lose their job opportunity due to the lack of skills during interviews and proper career planning. Nowadays, graduates are facing global competitions. As reported by research and surveys, "excellent expertise", "good communication skills", and "prompt response during interviews" are three crucial keys for graduates to obtain a job. To enhance students\' competitiveness in employment, this course invites business leaders and managers to share their experiences in their career and to have conversations with students on topics including career planning, personnel requirements, interview skills, job ethics, etc.
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