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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 智慧建築系統整合平台
::: 智慧建築系統整合平台 3學分
課程名稱 智慧建築系統整合平台
英文課程名稱 Intelligent Building Systems Integration Platform
中文課程概要 智慧建築系統整合平台能達到提高建築物整體管理的效率與綜合服務的能力,降低營運成本及突發災害的損失。 本課程將培養具備建築應用子系統相關設備選用、安裝、介面與通訊之整合能力,以及系統整合的策略與方法。 授課之內容如下:系統整合之各項介面原理與架構型態、通訊平台種類與運行方式、系統連動策略與方式、操作平台使用及管理、工程執行注意要項與流程。
英文課程概要 Intelligent building systems integration platform can improve building energy efficiency and overall management of integrated services capabilities, reduce operating costs and losses of sudden disasters. This course will train with building application subsystems related equipment selection, installation, integration of interface and communication, and strategy and methods of system integration. Teaching content as follows: System integration of the interface principles and architecture patterns, types of communication platforms and operating mode, the system linked strategies and methods, operating platform and management, project execution careful to terms with the process.
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