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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 自主學習
::: 自主學習 1學分
課程名稱 自主學習
英文課程名稱 Autonomous Learning
中文課程概要 為培養大學部學生自主學習能力,由學生主動積極創造並實現自己有興趣之主題。學生於特定主題之創造與實現中,學習到思考批判與問題解決等能力。教師擔任輔助指導角色,引導學生從實踐中學習問題解決能力。 學生根據自己的興趣與能力訂定自主學習計畫,並於開學前向各系提出申請,由本系專任老師擔任指導教師,審查計畫及評核學期成績。
英文課程概要 This course aims to develop undergraduates’ active learning skills by making students engage in the creation and realization of topics of students’ own interest. In the process of specific topic creation and realization, students will proactively learn critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Instructors cultivate the active engagement of students in problem solving, without actually participating in it. In this course, students are required to draw up self-learning plans based on their own interests and capabilities and then submit their plans to the departmental office for approval by the beginning of the semester.
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