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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 進階電源轉換器設計實務
::: 進階電源轉換器設計實務 3學分
課程名稱 進階電源轉換器設計實務
英文課程名稱 Advanced Power Converter Design and Practices
中文課程概要 電源轉換器(Power Converter)設計須滿足高效率及高功率密度的要求,因應此需求需搭配轉換器架構的選用、新型寬能隙元件的應用、高頻磁性元件的設計、柔性切換技術(Soft Switching Techniques)。在本次課程將會介紹這些技術的原理及設計方法及高效能轉換器的技術核心:變壓器(Transformer)與磁性元件的設計要領及寬能隙元件應用的介紹。藉由理論探討與模擬實作,加強學生的理論知識與實作能力。
英文課程概要 The design of power converters is being pushed to meet the requirements of high efficiency and high power density. In response to this demand, the selection of converter architecture, the application of new wide bandgap devices, the design of high-frequency magnetic components, and soft switching techniques are needed. This course introduces the principles and design methods of these technologies and the core technical aspects of high-efficiency converters, including the design of transformers and magnetic components, and the application of wide bandgap devices. This course is aimed at graduate students. Students can strengthen their theoretical knowledge and practical ability through theoretical discussion and simulation practice from this course.
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