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:::首頁 > 系上成員 > 師資陣容 > 鍾孟雲 > 論文著述 ::: 基本資料 | 論文著述
::: 鍾孟雲 老師
1. "Implementation of micro-EDM Monitoring System to Fabricate Antimicrobial Nanosilver Colloid", Micromachines, 18, SCI, 2022/05/01
2. "Development of Non-Contact Real-Time Monitoring System for Animal Body Temperature", Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation, 27-33, ELSE1, 2022/04/01
3. "Implementation of Composite LPWAN on the Slope Disaster Prevention Monitoring System", IEEE Sensors Journal, 14, SCI, 2022/02/01
4. "Characteristic of LED Lighting the Nanosilver Colloid Fabricated by Electrical Spark Discharge Method", Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 10, SCI, 2022/02/01
5. "Green Smart Campus Monitoring and Detection using LoRa", Sensors, 18, SCI, 2021/10/01
6. "A Study of Preparing Silver Iodide Nano Colloid by Electrical Spark Discharge Method and Its Properties", Scientific Reports, 10, SCI, 2021/10/01
7. "Implementation of a Micro-Electrical Discharge Machine to Fabricate Nano-TiO2 Colloid", Mechatronics, 12, SCI, 2021/08/01
8. "Preparing Cuprous Iodide Nanocolloid by the Electrical Spark Discharge Method", Journal of Cluster Science, 7, SCI, 2021/07/01
9. "A Study of Nanosilver Colloid Prepared by Electrical Spark Discharge Method and its Antifungal Control Benefits", Micromachines, 1-10, SCI, 2021/04/01
10. "Development of Proportional-Integrative-Derivative (PID) Optimized for the Micro-Electric Discharge Machine Fabrication of Nano-Bismuth Colloid", Micromachines, 1-16, SCI, 2020/11/01
11. "Characteristics of Nano-metal Colloid Prepared by Electrical Spark Discharge Method", Current Nanoscience, 1-22, SCI, 2020/10/01
12. "Parameter Control and Property Analysis in the Preparation of Platinum Iodide Nanocolloids through the Electrical Spark Discharge Method", RSC Advances, 30169-30175, SCI, 2020/08/01
13. "Fabrication of nano-bismuth colloids in deionized water using an electrical discharge machine", Nanomaterials, 1-6, SCI, 2020/07/01
14. "Parameter Optimization of Nanosilver Colloid prepared by Electrical Spark Discharge Method using Ziegler-Nichols Method", Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1-7, SCI, 2020/07/01
15. "A Study of PID Controller used in a Micro-Electrical Discharge Machining System to Prepare TiO2 Nanocolloids", Nanomaterials, 1-15, SCI, 2020/05/01
1. "Development of Non-Contact Real-Time Monitoring System for Animal Body Temperature", the International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation 2021 (ICATI2021), Taoyuan, 2021/10/29
2. "Photocatalysis Effect of Nano Silver Colloid Prepared by Electrical Spark Discharge Method", the 10th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2021 (IMETI2021), Taoyuan, 2021/10/29
3. "Cardiopulmonary Sparing During Breast RT with Personalized Breast Holder and Proton Beam Therapy", the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO 2020), Radiotherapy and Oncology, Online, 2020/11/28
4. "Investigation of the Interaction Between Ionizing Radiation and Nano Metal Colloid on the Growth of Bacteria", The 4th Global Conference on Biomedical Engineering & Annual Meeting of TSBME, Taipei, 2020/11/12
5. "Establishing the Remote Monitoring of Solar Photovoltaic System—a Case Study of National Taipei University of Technology", The 17th Taiwan Power Electronics Conference and the 41st ROC Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, 2020/09/03
6. "A Study of Solar Radiation Prediction Using Neural Networks", The 17th Taiwan Power Electronics Conference and the 41st ROC Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, 2020/09/03
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