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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 博雅核心課程-文化
::: 博雅核心課程-文化 2學分
課程名稱 博雅核心課程-文化
英文課程名稱 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Culture
中文課程概要 本課程旨在提昇學生的人文素養。透過文學概論、藝術概論與文化概論等相關課程,引導學生探索文學的妙趣,欣賞藝術的美質,瞭解文化的傳統。從古典到現代,從本土到世界,從物質到心靈,建構多元化的文化視野。以臺灣為出發點,搜尋未知的世界地圖,找到人們必然駐足的角落,以及自己不可缺席的人文風景。
英文課程概要 The main purpose of this course is to enrich the literary taste and the cultural cultivation of our students. Though the related course, like Introduction of Literature, Introduction of Art and Introduction of Culture, we hope to guide the students to explore the interest of the Literature, to enjoy the beauty of the Art and to understand the tradition of the Culture. From classic to modern, from local to universe, from material to spirit, we want to construct multiple cultural views. Taking Taiwan as a start, we would search the unknown map of the universe, and would find a corner for consequential staying and one\'s own liberal scenery.
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