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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 微算機應用
::: 微算機應用 3學分
課程名稱 微算機應用
英文課程名稱 Applications of Micro-computer
中文課程概要 8086/88微處理器簡介,80486,組合語言,C語言,鍵盤/螢幕控制,計時器/計數器之應用,並列I/O,串列I/O,PC應用實例剖析,微控器硬體架構,微控器指令集,微控器軟體架構,4、8、16、32位元微控器簡介,微控器應用實例剖析。
英文課程概要 This course covers the following topics: introduction to 80x86 CPU, instruction set of 80x86 CPU, introduction to DRAM, SRAM and Flash memory, reading of timing diagrams, decoding of memory and I/O, parallel and serial ports, using timers and counters, oscillators, A/D and D/A converters, interrupts, and case study. The content of this course includes 1. Introduction to microcomputer 2.Central processor unit 3.Microprogramming set 4.Assembly and C language programming 5.Interfacing circuits 6.ROM/RAM interface 7.I/O operations 8.Interrupt and direct memory access
10608台北市忠孝東路三段1號 電話:(02)27712171 #2100 傳真:(02)27317187
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