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:::首頁 > 課程資訊 > 課程概述 > 數位邏輯設計實習
::: 數位邏輯設計實習 1學分
課程名稱 數位邏輯設計實習
英文課程名稱 Digital Logic Design Experiments
中文課程概要 本課程側重於動手實做的能力,用以增強學生設計數位電路的實做技巧,本課程將藉由數位邏輯設計的套件與計算機輔助設計工具在課堂上進行實做, 實驗內容與作業將與數位邏輯設計課程有緊密結合,本課程於多數部份將於課程時間內完成電路的製作。
英文課程概要 This course focuses on hands-on laboratories to enhance the ability to design digital circuits. It provides students an opportunity to put what they learn in lecture to practice using digital logic prototyping kits and modern computer-aided design tools. Laboratory assignments will be closely aligned to the course of digital logic design. For most parts, it will be possible to complete physical prototyping tasks within the allotted time in the lab.
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